
Welcome to CCEAI

Coalition for Climate & Environment Action Initiative

Mission: Safe guarding climate and environment actions for Today and future generation.

Vision: A continent where climate and environment are safe guarded with waste management, environment management and restoration in a healthy planet.

More about us
What We Beleive

Preserve & Protect

We believe in a future where Africa's vibrant ecosystems thrive, powered by clean, renewable energy, fostering a legacy of sustainability and prosperity for generations to come.

Plastic Wastes

Plastic Wastes are problematic! They contain polyethylene terephthalate , leach chemicals into the water they hold &are as known endocrine disruptors. Instead of being recycled, most are sent to landfills, shipped overseas ,dumped & burned.

Solar Energy

Harnessing Africa's abundant solar power And resources can illuminate a brighter future, alleviating energy poverty and propelling the continent towards a sustainable, environmentally conscious energy landscape.

Renewable Energy

Africa's vast renewable energy resources hold the key to unlocking a sustainable energy future. Embracing these clean energy sources will not only alleviate energy poverty but also drive economic growth and resilience.
Our Objectives

We aim to safe Guard the environment.

  • 1. To design and distribute information and material promoting environmental sustainability
  • 2. To cordinate and guide the educaton, training, and public awareness programms for climatic change
  • 3. To guide public participation in addressing climate change its effects and developing adequate responses.
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Implementing the Tree Planting Program in Uganda.
We thank @tree_adoptionug and @KUEMA23 on twitter for partnership of our project UrbanTreePlanting, this noble cause for today and future generations.
Unlocking the power of natural climate solutions.
Our goal as cceai africa is to promote and support all local environment conservation initiatives and activities that are in line with our vision and mission of africa.
Kyambogo University tree planting mission.
We managed to plant over 50 tress behind Nanziri Hall OF Kyambogo University as we are looking forward to planting a kuema forest with in the university.
War On Plastics

Turning the Tide on Plastic Waste management

Plastic pollution has emerged as a critical environmental challenge, threatening our planet's ecosystems. At CCEAI, we are committed to addressing this pressing issue by spearheading initiatives that promote sustainable plastic waste management practices.

your Presence matters

Join Our Community

Become a Plastic Warrior: Make a personal commitment to reduce your plastic footprint by adopting the 3Rs and spreading awareness among your peers. Together, we can create a future where plastic waste is no longer a threat to our environment and our health.

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Empower change with your support.

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Together for a better world

Lets join hands as one plannet

A Better Africa

What We Beleive

Preserve & Protect

Bright Clean Future

We believe in a future where Africa's vibrant ecosystems thrive, powered by clean, renewable energy, fostering a legacy of sustainability for generations to come.

Who We Are

Sustain & Promote

Our Objectives

We aim to safe Guard the environment.

  • 1. To design and distribute information and material promoting environmental sustainability
  • 2. To cordinate and guide the educaton, training, and public awareness programms for climatic change
  • 3. To guide public participation in addressing climate change its effects and developing adequate responses.
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Our Activities

Events & Activities

Our on going program of tree planting in urban areas in Uganda.
On 18th November, The President of CCEAI with KUEMA managed to plant over 50 tress behind Nanziri Hall OF Kyambogo University as we are looking forward to planting a kuema forest with in the University.
About Our Environment

Conserve & Reserve

Power Of Clean Energy

clean energy is energy that comes from sources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, water, geothermal etc. As cceai-africa, we believe with this energy we can:

Empower our vision & mission with your support.

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